Digging Deeper
I've been thinking lately about how people tend to just skim the surface of things. They read headlines but not the story. They ask you how you're doing, but don't listen past fine, and don't even want to hear anything less than fine. One big thing people have a tendency to do is look at a person and pass judgement on them. She's pretty, he's fat, she's sexy, he's got a nice car. This is how some people decide to date someone!
Why is it that we don't want to dig deeper and know more? The only time people seem to want to know more is if they can find out some dirt or juicy gossip about someone. People spend a lot of time trying to find out who broke up, what celebrity was arrested, is pregnant, or is dating another celebrity. They can talk for hours on the subject yet it barely holds my interest because I know I will not know the real story unless I get to know these people.
I understand that a lot of people don't want to ask more for fear of being asked more themselves. We fear judgement, rejection, betrayal, but we also fail to make meaningful connections when we just skim the surface.There are less than a handful of people in my life who actually want to know how I feel, what I think, what my hopes, dreams, and desires are. Those are people I would call friends. The rest are acquaintences, most of whom I am happy to know, but I realize we will never go beyond the superficial.
How, then, are we to make meaningful connections? How do we make thoughtful decisions about our lives and our world? We start by letting our guards down and not caring about what anyone thinks of us except for our Creator, if you are aware of His existence. I know people look at me and think they immediately know what I do in my private time, what I am like as a person, or what I would be like as a companion. I don't care what someone who won't even take the time to get to know me thinks of me. I only care to share who I am with those who are interested.
I don't write this blog because I think my life is so interesting that I must share it with others. I do hope that I can inspire others to become more conscious of themselves and others and ponder what really matters. Perhaps if we got to know each other better, we would be less inclined to mistreat each other. If you know your neighbor is having financial problems, maybe you wouldn't hold it against them if they don't smile back and return your greeting. When you are aware that your co-worker is going through a divorce, perhaps her grumpiness won't annoy you so. Maybe the woman on the street who you think is fat is a warm, loving and kind individual who would give you the intellectual and spiritual stimulation you seek. And what if the man on the bus stop rides the bus because he shares your passion for saving the earth.
We skim the surface as if we're getting all we need. But skimming can mean stealing, like when organized crime takes part of the take at casinos. It also refers to a type of credit card fraud, and it's what is done to get oil off of the ocean. So in essence, when we skim the surface, we're robbing each other, and we're not even getting the best parts. Today, when you ask someone how they are, dig deeper, you may find someone with whom you can relate, or at least know a little better.
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