I think the key here is the "what" to which each definition refers. That is to say, Wikipedia is referring to trusting a person, idea, or thing, whereas the bible as a whole is clearly referring to a higher power. It in fact states, "Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save." (psalm 146:3 NIV) So the definition of faith resides in that in which we choose to put our trust. So, who do you trust?
I know many who think that faith means blindly trusting when it comes to God. But I think it really depends on how well you are able to see. If faith is "the evidence of things not seen," then there must a reason to have faith. For example, have you ever prayed for something and gotten it? Maybe you wished for it instead, and the universe granted it to you. When we go to bed at night, generally, we have "faith" that we will wake up in the morning, do we not? Making plans of any sort is an act of faith in itself because we do not know if they will come to fruition or what obstacles we will incur.
Now, as to trusting a person, idea, or thing, how much evidence do you have in your life that this kind of faith is real, or beneficial? Perhaps most people have been able to have faith that their parents had their well being and best interest in mind when they were growing up, but we of course know that that is not true for all. The idea of equal rights and justice for all has yet to prove itself to exist, and that's not just my opinion, but a fact. Can you trust that the guy you're buying a car from is being truthful about the condition of the car? Do you trust that car will run well without having to have lots of major repairs? I guess it's really a coin toss, a 50/50 chance you take when it comes to having faith in a person, idea, or thing.
Faith, for me personally, gives me peace. I don't have faith that my Father, the Mighty King, will give me whatever I ask of HIM. I do, however, have faith that He will give me everything I need and what's best for me. There is comfort in that for me. When I am going through trials and tribulations, the only one who can console me is my Father, the Mighty King, and that's 100% of the time. I guess, in my opinion, if I'm nervous or ill at ease at all, that's not faith, but if I can rest easy and not worry, that is faith. I don't put my trust in horses and chariots or men, for they fail to comfort me. I can only feel comforted, at peace and rest easy, when I have faith in my Father the Mighty King. He has given me ample evidence, proof, and reason to do so. In what or whom to do you have faith ?