

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

But you can't run away from yourself

There's lots of talk of Armageddon these days with the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster in Japan, birds and fish dying by the thousands and hundreds of thousands, and the citizens of the world revolting against their unjust governments. Is it Armageddon? I don't know, won't know until it is. What I do know is that the only thing that you can do to prepare for it is to get your priorities  and your spirit and soul in order.

Let's play the what if game. What if there is a higher power waiting to judge us at the end of days? What will your sentence be? What if we do get reincarnated and what we return as is determined by the lives we are living now? Will you come back as a king? A lion? A cockroach? What if there is a heaven and a hell, and hell is your worst nightmare, biggest fear, most painful experience, 100 fold for eternity? What if everyone started loving themselves, each other, and the planet right now and gave up every destructive behavior and thing? I'm just playing what if.

Chasing a dollar is not going to bring you peace, maybe not even security one day. Even if there is nothing once we leave this rock, don't you want to have enjoyed a life that was rich with love, peace, and unity? Wouldn't you like to experience that before you go? Maybe you go before the world ends, what do you want people to say about you when you leave? "He sure had a lot of money. Now we have it." Or maybe, "He was popular with the women. Except the one who killed him." How about, "She was so sexy. What was her name again?" I'm making jokes here, but really, how do you want to be remembered?

You can hide under a table during an earthquake, run to the hills to escape a tsunami, run for cover underground to escape radiation, but you can't run away from yourself. Every man/woman has the same ultimate destiny, and we can't always control the how and the when. We can, however, control what we do until then. Send positive energy to Japan and yourselves. Remember, we are all connected. What affects one, affects us all.

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