

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Black is the new Black

Whether you are pro Obama or not, whether you think he's doing a  good job or not, whether you fully recognize the significance of an African American being voted into the office of president of this country, there is one thing I am convinced of, he had to be elected. Now I don't write much about politics (or politricks as I call it) and this really isn't about politics either. I've noticed since the day the final votes were tallied in the Obama/McCain election that there has been a rise in racial-racist incidents. It's not a slight increase either, and President Obama is not the only target.

I was reading some articles about the rise in racial incidents since Obama was elected and it's astounding that these stories were not all over the news. There were incidents from New York to the south to California. The incidents ranged from college students writing "shoot that (n-word) Obama" on college campus walls to mock hangings, to cross burnings ( the most recent was in San Luis Obisbo, Ca.) to second and third graders chanting "assassinate Obama." Now before you shake your head, say that's a shame, and move on to "Dancing with the Stars," do you see what this indicates? Those of you who sit in your big homes or ride in your $60k cars sighing 'we've arrived, it's good to be an American' should brace yourselves for this. Racism is not dead, it is very much alive. One article described racism like cancer, it may go into remission, but it is never gone. Well break out the chemo, the cancer is back, and it's metastasized (spread).

This is why President Obama or some other black man had to be elected, to uncover the cancer that is still raging through the body of this country and wake up those of you lounging with your stunner shades on while your guard takes a nap. Barack Obama has received more death threats than any president, ever. Do you think it's because of his health care bill or foreign policy decisions? It is because he is a black man in Amerikkka and he holds the most powerful position in the country. So here we are in the 21st Century and we're not really any further ahead socially or consciously than we were when Dr. King made his "I have a Dream" speech.

I'm not going to ask what we're going to do about it, because I know that people tend to put their rose colored glasses on and don't act until those glasses are shattered on their face by a fist, or else they're afraid of a scene like Egypt or Libya. But let me put you on alert. There are some people out there who hate you because you are not like them. One article said that people were chanting "deport Obama." Well, first of all, they should have said "export Obama" since most Africans in Amerikkka were "imported" here like cargo. I'm sure he's not the only one they would like to "export." Are you ready to go back home? By the way, those that hate one race, usually hate all races that are not their own, so my Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, and even Jewish brothers and sisters, you better look out too.  I supplied a link* for one of the articles below. It was written in 2008. The cross burning in San Luis Obisbo occurred in March 2011.
It's time to eradicate this cancer for good before it eats away at all that is good about humanity.


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