This is troublesome because men and women don't think alike because we are not alike. We have different strengths so that we can have balance in the world. Harvey says women need to understand that men are driven by what they do, who they are (his title), and how much they make; and these things will always take precedence over a woman until he accomplishes them. Honestly, I think Steve Harvey's time could have been better spent helping men see what's truly important in life (family, helping others, peace, love,etc.) and placing more value on those things. Instead, he implies that a woman's loving, giving, trusting, and compassionate nature will leave her lonely.
It seems to be the nature of our society to tell the "wronged" to change rather than the "wrong doer." Women shouldn't dress a certain way to avoid being raped, African American youth shouldn't wear hoodies in certain neighborhoods to avoid being stereotyped (and perhaps killed), and now, women should avoid their true nature to avoid being mistreated by men. I don't see how this will better serve women or men. My suggestion, women should think like Queens and Goddesses...just as men should think like Kings and Gods.
I am not suggesting women go around treating men or anyone else like their subjects, demanding expensive things or to be waited on, nor am I suggesting men go around conquering "foreign lands". Royalty carry themselves with a certain amount of dignity, pride, and self respect. Royals, after all, are believed to be chosen by God, a very high honor indeed. When you know your worth, because not only has a higher power taken special care to create you...but that higher power is IN you, you will behave in ways worthy of honor and respect, and receive it.
In the bible, King Solomon wrote this of his beloved (the Queen of Sheba...Queen Makeda)
You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. 10 How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, (Song of Solomon 4: 9-10)Ladies, how many men have written this to or about you? The Queen of Sheba was a known seeker of knowledge, and visited Solomon to seek the wisdom for which he was known. King Solomon was a loyal servant of God, and when he was made king, God said to him, "Ask of Me what you wish." Solomon asked for understanding and God was so pleased that he did not ask for long life, riches, or the life of his enemies, He not only granted Solomon wisdom and understanding like no other before him, or to come, but also all of the things for which he did not ask. (1Kings3). I use Solomon as an example because he was not only one of the greatest kings ever, but because whether you believe this story is real, allegorical, or a tale, it is still true that once you seek wisdom, all else will follow.
Women and men should not try to think or behave like each other. We are different for reasons...and different does not mean unequal. I like the idea that Eve was formed from Adams rib because it illustrates man and woman's connection. We are pieces the same puzzle that fit together perfectly, different sides of a scale providing perfect balance. This is a divine connection, a divine creation. So I say again, if we think like the divine Queens and Kings we are, we will achieve divine balance. Peace and blessings.
wonderful, been waiting for some1 to point this out