Time is a man-made construct. Energy just keeps moving. Every day is like new years eve to me because every day is a new beginning. Nonetheless, I am compelled, on this last day of 2011 to reflect on the year. A lot has happened, and I've noticed that everything that one might consider as "bad" that has happened to me has been followed up by something "great." So, I no longer see things as bad, only necessary steps to the great. Here are some highlights.
I found myself without a car at the start of the year, by spring I had another one, free of charge, no payments, and great on gas. I've struggled to meet new friends in my new city, but I've had time to do a lot of writing which brings me joy, pick up a new hobby-jewelry making-and I've made a closer connection to my Creator, my Father, The Mighty King. Oh, and let's not forget my mini tour with my favorite group Groundation. (read about it here).
I hope this year brings more interaction and connections with good people. I'd like to see barriers taken down between people. Celebrity, wealth, "power", religion, "race," age, education, geographical location, possessions, and anything else one can think of to separate, are insignificant. We are all spirits wrapped in skin, flesh, and bones, with the same destiny. No one is better than the other. Connections and interacting with people is what gives spice to life. You never know who might be just the right ingredient to give flavor to your life.
I want to give a heartfelt thanks to anyone who has read my blog, but especially to those of you who visit regularly. Thank you to my biggest viewers the U.S., A special thanks to my Russian readers, I see you! Spasibo balshoye. (I hope that's right). Thank you United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Ukraine, , Belgium, and Latvia. Stay tuned. Happy New Year. Love and Light.