

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What We Think is a Challenge May Really Be a Gift

I haven't posted in a while because I have been living life, which often means going through transformations. I often feel like I have to have reached a conclusion of a matter before I write about it, but today I had an epiphany. Not only am I not obliged to have the answers before I write to you good people, but often times, the journey itself can be much more revealing.

I have been doing a lot of self reflection and mind, body, spirit work on myself for the past couple of years, as you may know. I thought I had come a long way and was ready for any challenge. Then, someone entered my life who made me rethink that progress. It was as if I was living in a snow globe and this person just came and shook it up. Have you ever met anyone who pushed ALL of your buttons? I mean, this globe shaker seemed to posses every quality I didn't like about every significant person in my life! 'I'm being tested like Job,' I said to myself repeatedly. If I was being tested...I was failing. 

I kept referring to this person as my "challenge" or my "test," making it difficult for me to focus on the real challenges within.  The worst part about it, or so I thought, was that I couldn't seem to shake this person, who, to be fair, is a wonderful spirit...when we're not shaking each other's globes. We're actually a lot alike in many ways, one of which is that we don't stay angry very long and we forgive with ease. That's when it hit me. This person is not my "challenge" or "test," this person is my mirror and my gift!

Every "issue" that I still struggle with is reflected to me in our clashes, but then I receive the gift of forgiveness and another chance to get it right.  I was right in thinking that this person was sent from my Father, the Mighty King, but I was wrong in thinking that this person is a test. Really, this gift of mine is more of a tutor or study guide giving me intensive study sessions for the big exam. 

Don't get me wrong, I adore my tutor/gift who has a loving spirit and kind heart. I was reminded of something I read in one of Wayne Dyer's books where he talked about soul mates. He said that your soul mate is not necessarily the one with whom you get along all of the time or with whom you have everything in common, nor is it necessarily a lover or spouse. Your soul mate most often is the person who  challenges you most to step up your game and be a better you, and that can be a friend, sibling, parent, in-law, etc. Have I found my soul mate in this person? Only Jah knows. What I do know is that who I thought was a thorn is actually the blossom itself. I give thanks for the blessing. Love and Light.