

Saturday, December 31, 2011

These Be the Good Old Days-2011 Wrap Up

Time is a man-made construct. Energy just keeps moving. Every day is like new years eve to me because every day is a new beginning. Nonetheless, I am compelled, on this last day of 2011 to reflect on the year. A lot has happened, and I've noticed that everything that one might consider as "bad" that has happened to me has been followed up by something "great." So, I no longer see things as bad, only necessary steps to the great. Here are some highlights.

I found myself without a car at the start of the year, by spring I had another one, free of charge, no payments, and great on gas.  I've struggled to meet new friends in my new city, but I've had time to do a lot of writing which brings me joy, pick up a new hobby-jewelry making-and I've made a closer connection to my Creator, my Father, The Mighty King. Oh, and let's not forget my mini tour with my favorite group Groundation. (read about it here).

There have been some special people who have entered my life, however briefly, or infrequently. They have made a great impact on my life and they probably aren't even aware of how great. The connections we've shared have enhanced my living, and for that I give thanks, you know who you are. I've even gained lessons from those whose energy I had to learn to counterbalance. That is what this blog is about anyway. I am not here to dispense wisdom, but to gain it. The Rising of a Queen is about my journey to the throne, the throne being a place of mutual love, respect, peace, and oneness with all of creation. I am just sharing what I learn, as I learn it.

I hope this year brings more interaction and connections with good people. I'd like to see barriers taken down between people. Celebrity, wealth, "power", religion, "race," age, education, geographical location, possessions, and anything else one can think of to separate, are insignificant. We are all spirits wrapped in skin, flesh, and bones, with the same destiny. No one is better than the other. Connections and interacting with people is what gives spice to life. You never know who might be just the right ingredient to give flavor to your life.

I want to give a heartfelt thanks to anyone who has read my blog, but especially to those of you who visit regularly. Thank you to my biggest viewers the U.S., A special thanks to my Russian readers, I see you! Spasibo balshoye. (I hope that's right). Thank you United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Ukraine, , Belgium, and Latvia. Stay tuned. Happy New Year. Love and Light.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Lesson in Lessening Waste: Weigh your Pesolet

I was watching a program last night about a Jewish camp for youth. Of particular interest, was an activity they did at the end of meals in which they weighed their "Pesolet," or waste. Each table scraped their left overs onto one plate and one of the children brought the plate up and emptied it into a bucket which they then weighed. Their goal was to lessen the weight of the pesolet each day.

The part I liked most was that the youth were not encouraged to clean their plates, rather, to be more aware of how much they put on their plates in the first place. This act caused the children to really think about how hungry they were and what their needs really were. They also had a farm and lessons on where their food came from and were challenged to think of other forms of pesolet such as paper, litter, and recyclables.

The Jewish faith has always be great about educating the youth about traditions and how to be good responsible citizens. I love that the lessons evolve to fit 21st century concerns. We should all encourage our children and ourselves to really consider what we really need so as to eliminate waste. Take a look at the toys and gadgets that you and your children received/gave for Christmas this year. Look again three months from now and see if the items are still being utilized or if your "Pesolet bucket" is getting heavier.

I have found that if you want to need less, you must first learn to desire less. The children in the program at first piled food on their plates because they wanted it, but later found that they didn't need it in order to be full. By the end of the camp, the children had gotten their pesolet down from 13 pounds to 7 pounds. That equals less waste and  more food for those who need it.

Finally, the youth were asked to challenge themselves for 6 weeks. Some chose to eat organic eggs and others chose to give up eating meat. The Pesolet challenge showed the youth that not only could they do well with less, but that they could challenge themselves and have a high chance of success. I challenge you to challenge yourselves for 6 weeks. This is not a resolution, this is an attempt to better yourselves and the world.

I encourage all of you to take a look at your own waste, including clothing and gadgets, and challenge yourselves to get by with less. It could save you money, make you healthier, and save the planet. Let us start teaching our children how to be caring and responsible global citizens, and let the first lesson be your example. Love and light.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Love is the Season

Holidays are mixed with so many different emotions and attitudes. Some people seem to feel an extra sense of gratitude, generosity, and family, while others tend to lean towards grumpy, lonely, and bitter. Either way, a day or season shouldn't have such a dramatic effect on your personality. We should always be grateful, generous, and family oriented, and we should never let anything or anyone change our outlook, mood, or countenance.

I speak from experience as I remember the stress of the holiday season especially when it comes to family gathering. But I recognize, this year, that the past only repeats itself if I keep bringing it up in my thoughts and emotions. As soon as I convince myself that I am surrounded by love and peace, that is what I tend to give, and therefore get. It's not easy, but it certainly is worth it.

I am working on letting others' opinions, words, and actions, slip away because I know it is more about what's going on with them than me. I don't make new years resolutions generally, but I am determined to keep love, peace, and positivity as my of life. I will immediately change  my thoughts from negative to positive, I will be kind and pleasant to everyone I encounter, and I will encourage you to do the same. Please check me if I slip.

We shouldn't expect others to be the bigger person when we are just as capable. Don't let someone else set the tone, be the leader, the lover, and set it, even if they start with being mean, selfish, or rude. If you want love or peace, you must come from that place regardless of where the other person comes from. Let everyday be a holiday. Love is the way, love is the day, love is the answer to every question. LOVE and Light.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Music: Rx for Happiness

Considering the economic downturns around the world, unemployment rates, poverty, hunger, corporate and government corruption, and violent and senseless crimes, it's no wonder many find themselves reaching for a prescription to ease their woes. Prescriptions, however, come with their own set of issues such as a dozen side effects and the risk of addiction. There is one prescription whose only side effect is an improved mental, and physical state; music. I've been reading a lot of studies written about the effects music has on the brain and the body, and these studies have found some amazing things.

I wrote briefly in a previous post about how music increases intelligence, i.e.  reading and literacy skills, spatial-temporal reasoning, mathematical abilities, emotional intelligence, and it even improves memory and concentration. (Musicians  really should be the smartest people on earth). Studies have also found that music is effective in pain therapy, slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, speeding post stroke recovery, and even boosting immunity. I'll go into those studies more in another post. Today I would like to concentrate on the effects music has on one's mood and mental status.

We've all used music to relax and sometimes to fall asleep. The reason this works is because relaxing music reduces sympathetic nervous system activity, decreases anxiety, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate and may have positive effects on sleep via muscle relaxation and distraction from thoughts.*  For this reason, using music to reduce stress is a valid and useful tactic. Slow classical music has been proven to reduce stress, even on newborns.* One can play it in the background while performing other tasks, and it will still work. It's not just classical music that does this. Any relaxing music can relax your muscles, including your brain. Using music while doing yoga, guided imagery, or just soaking in the tub will aid in the relaxation process. Upbeat music can also help reduce stress by making you feel more positive and optimistic. Researchers have also found that music can decrease the amount of cortisol, a stress-related hormone produced by the body in response to stress.*

Many cultures have and do use music as a part of the healing process.  In ancient Greece, Apollo was both the god of music and medicine.  Healing mantras, chants, and incantations have ancient origins and are seen throughout history and in every major world culture-- Hinduism, Muslim, Judaism, Native American, Polynesian, Asian, Sufi, etc. The power of chant involves bridging the two worlds of humanity and eternity (spirituality.)** The mind, body, and spirit connection is a powerful one.  It makes sense, then, to connect to the spirit (which  is where music comes from) to heal the mind. 

I am not saying anything you didn't already know. Many people say music lifts their spirits. But now you know that not only does it help without the negative side effects of MAOI anti-depressants, it actually improves your physical health! Modern research has confirmed music's therapeutic influence on the psyche. They've even identified  bright, cheerful music (e.g. Mozart, Vivaldi, bluegrass, Klezmer, Salsa, reggae)* is the most obvious prescription for the blues. So instead of going for the Prozac next time you're depressed, why not play some Bob Marley. Love, light, and music.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Music is the Healing of the Nation/World

So I've been itching to blog about music again for a while. Maybe I should start a new blog just about music. It's extremely rare that I go a day without music; it's like breathing for me. I listen to all kinds of music and I love hearing new music. I am, however, very careful of the music I choose to listen to because I am aware of the power music has. In the past, I loved any song with a good beat, especially if it had good bass and I could dance to it. As I grew, I began to listen to the lyrics more closely and as a result, a lot of music has been eliminated from my listening experience. Although I wasn't paying much attention to the lyrics before, they were penetrating my subconscious and they didn't always have a positive effect on how I viewed myself or the world. Songs with misogynistic, depressing, or destructive lyrics can have a negative affect on one's consciousness just as easily as uplifting positive songs can have a positive one.

I am puzzled and a bit dismayed that music with socially, culturally, spiritually conscious and uplifting lyrics aren't more 'popular' in the U.S. I see young girls, and by young I mean starting at age 4, who dress and dance provacatively, they sing lyrics and use words that they don't understand, and take pride in allowing young boys to disrespect them and call them bitches and hoes. Once I heard a five year old girl tell a five year old boy, "I'm a bad bitch with the ill na na." She doesn't know what it means now, but she will, and that's how she will define herself unless she's guided in a different direction. Our children, and their parents are obsessed with "swag" "ballin" "bling" and chasing the American nightmare, while at the same time big corporations, banks, and government are making it harder and harder for them to reach financial wellness. But these albums that perpetuate meaningless pursuits are still going platnum. Meanwhile, music that gives hope and strength doesn't even get played on the radio.

Just today I read a post on a social network where one of my friends described an upsetting situation she experienced. She went on to say that when she got into the car, an uplifting song came on and she was better. This is clear cut evidence of the power of music. Those of you who have read my blog before have heard me speak, often, of my favorite group Groundation. They play roots reggae music fused with jazz and many other influences. I've read so many comments to the group and lead singer Harrison Stafford about how Groundation's music has changed people's lives, saved them even. If you ever go to one of their concerts, you'd think you were at a peace and love summit. I'm not sure if their music attracts peaceful loving people or creates them. Actually, I am sure it is both. The group is very popular in France, Belgium, South America, all over the world in fact.  But here, in the U.S., the demand for music that is positive, enlightening, and that promotes unity and equality has been virtually non existent for sometime.

As the world is on the precipice of big change, a shift if you will, I think it's time to have a collective shift in consciousness. We can start by moving away from the hollow, oppressive, and banal music that fuels the destructive and stagnant behaviors that the entire world seems to now be fighting against, to positive, hopeful, constructive music that creates the energy needed to counterbalance the darkness. I am of the belief that music can and will facilitate positive change. If you have the opportunity to experience positive music, especially live, take a chance and do it. Groundation will be touring in California in February 2012. You can find their schedule here http://www.groundation.com/live . You will be glad you did. I'll be posting more on music soon. I welcome guest bloggers, especially musicians. Please make your submissions to impressashaki@gmail.com. I will also gladly post any videos or links to positive music. Love, light, and music.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Seek the Good

I had a discussion recently in which someone said that "there are no righteous people on earth." If you define righteous as, "acting in an upright, moral way; virtuous" then I must say that I know plenty of righteous people. They're not perfect; they may lose their tempers from time to time, and their egos may sometimes get in the way, but they strive to do good, to do what's right. There are good people in the world and I think it is sad when people can't see that. It seems we are encouraged at every turn to be other than righteous. People say 'only the good die young,' or 'good guys finish last,'  The good don't die young, they don't die at all. The good they do lives on, their spirits live on, long after they leave here. Think of the life lessons, love, and care a loved one gave you while they were here. The good they did ensures that they will never finish last. Perhaps we need to re-evaluate our definition of finishing "first." If you define finishing first as being wealthy with lots of things and power, then you don't know what true wealth is.

My grandmother told me once that if you go looking for trouble, you're sure to find it. If we constantly look for people to be wicked, dishonest, or "bad" then we're sure to find them to be so.  When we look for the good in people and focus on what we appreciate in others, we will surely see it. Make no mistake, there is good in everyone. We were created from love, beauty, and all that is good. External influences and ego sometimes get in the way, but good is who we are at the core. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be." Imagine if we treated everyone as they could be. Working with youth has taught me that if you have high expectations of a child's ability, they will rise to their potential with the slightest encouragement. I believe this to also be true with adults.

The media feeds us news about all the tragedies, injustices, and horrors going on in the world, with little attention to the good people do. This leaves us believing no good is being done. Don't believe the hype. I personally know or have made acquaintance with many men, women, and children who seek to do the right thing, live morally, and help others. I look for what is good in a person because that is what I want to experience from them. I've found that if you want peace, you must come from peace, if you want love you must come from love, and if you want goodness, well you get the point. Those who say there are no righteous people in the world are talking to a mirror, but they don't realize it. We are all connected and made from the same substance. If you see good in people, it's because you see good in yourself, if you don't....Love and light.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Great Love, Great Adventure, Great Deeds

Once in an interview I was asked how I would define success. I would think I was successful if I was happy and helped others, but I didn't answer that way.  Instead, I rattled off what I thought was relevant to the position and left it at that. But I began to ruminate on that question. I have never measured success in dollars, status, or material goods. I always felt I would be successful if I had people in my life who loved me and if I was a good person who did her best to help others. So I wondered, have I achieved my definition of success? If not, what was missing?

After surveying my life and much introspection, I realized I still had things to do. I found that what was missing was 1) Great Love 2) Great Adventure and 3) Great deeds. In other words, I haven't lived my best life yet. Life, as they say, is short. I've seen so many leave this planet at such a young age and I always wonder if they lived their lives to the fullest. Daily I look into so many forlorn and exasperated faces as they work or drive to work, or speed away from work. Some of them have expensive cars that they drive to big houses. Their children are well dressed in famous labels and they communicate to each other on the latest ever changing gadgets. But their expressions and demeanor are not the same as the people in the commercials who tell them they have to live these lives. They've been bamboozled into thinking that this is what happiness is and if they want it, they'd better tow the line. Been there, done that, over it.

I would like to travel the world, and the country, even the state. I, however, want a unique experience. I don't want to book a hotel at a tourist resort and go on scheduled tours (unless, of course, the company was interesting). I had a fantasy of paragliding over the ocean the other day. Really? I thought. Why not. There are so many ways I can help others that I don't even know them all yet. So part of my great adventure is doing something great for at least one other. I would like to experience great love. I would like for it to be of the "romantic" variety, but great love is great love, and it will feel great no matter how it shows up. I'm not going to bother the universe or my Father the Mighty King with the details because they have given me things beyond my wildest dreams, so I'll leave it to them.

I'm not striving to get a Benz, wear the most expensive fancy clothes, or have the big house. We can't take any of the things we work so hard to attain with us when we leave here. So if I find, in my last days, that I have no money or things to leave loved ones in a will, I'll ask myself, 'Have I left great memories and impressions on those I've touched, and am I taking with me a fulfilled and joyful spirit into the next adventure?' If I can answer yes, I think I would have had a successful life. Love and light.