

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Higher Power

Sometimes I wonder how people who don't believe in a higher power of any sort manage to get through difficult times or even the little day to day mishaps. If they seem happy, I really wonder what they do to get through. My faith is sometimes the only thing that gets me through these times.

We are all saddled with so many burdens these days. Life can seem oppressive. lonely, and overwhelming. People seem to float silently in their own little bubbles, concerned only with what affects them. We forget about each other...that we are put here for each other. It's a comfort to me to know that there is something bigger than myself, a higher energy, or energies, that I can call on for strength.

These energies are often in the form of like minds and hearts, some of whom we have never or will never meet. who are vibrating, or thinking and feeling on the same wave length. My Father, the Mighty King (as I call H.I.M.) has shown me hope, given me strength, and provided me with the tools to gather and use that strength. To those "non-believers" this may sound obtuse, but I am thankful for the resilient spirit having faith in goodness has created.

In my opinion, even when two gather and have reasonable discourse about good in the universe with the purpose of understanding and being better, that, in itself, is a higher power. Any good we even think about is a higher power...if good is being defined as that which helps and doesn't harm.

I write this at the end of a long day filled with doubt, unfulfilled dreams, hard news, and no shoulder to cry on. I am struggling to cope with that which I cannot control or understand...yet. Still, I have writing, music, and hope...for that I am thankful.

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