

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Queen in Retrograde

I woke up in a fantastic mood this morning. I was refreshed. I had a stimulating conversation with a co-worker before I started work, and I finally dressed in the right combination of layers for the transition from early morning freeze to afternoon Indian Summer. But around 9:25, old Merc started moving backwards...and took me with him! All day today, I had to restart projects I have been working on for the past week. I seemed to be in high demand from everyone, and there was, of course, the daily afternoon extremely amateur metal concert.

But I did not lose hope. I played my uplifting music and I decided to deploy one of my secret emergency weapons. I knew if I could ingest some form of hot, salty, fried potato product, I could make it through the day. An angel volunteered to fetch some for me and the anticipation of sweet (salty) relief washed over me. The day looked brighter as I saw her return with bags in her hands. But then she uttered words that sounded like a foreign language to me, "they were all out." That's when I knew. I didn't even have to do an internet search. Mercury is in retrograde. 

RETROGRADE: Moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.
2. inverse or reversed, as order.
moving in an orbit in the direction opposite to that of the earth in its revolution around the sun.
appearing to move on the celestial sphere in the direction opposite to the natural order of the signs of the zodiac, or from east to west.
I had to look up retrograde to see exactly what was happening to me today. I don't claim to understand all of the astrology aspects of the word, but once someone told me that all of the things that were out of wack some days were a result of Mercury being in retrograde, every time I have a day like today I assume that is the cause (today I guessed correctly). 

It doesn't seem to matter if I know it's coming or not, or if I have explicit details as to what it means. I always feel powerless against it and just settle in for the ride. Apparently, the retrograde being in Scorpio means diving inward to discover my "dark side" and hidden secrets. But I don't even have the strength to deal with all of that. So I just kept moving backwards in order to move forward. I'm a forward ever backward never kind of queen, so this was very uncomfortable for me. But as I learned today, sometimes the universe has its own way of telling you to do a better job.

I pulled out my tried and true weapon, a much healthier choice, brother Bob. I played Bob Marley's Three Little Birds three times back to back and then just listened to a Bob Marley medley for the rest of the day. I reached out to a friend who ALWAYS makes me smile, and I did. On the way home, I stopped by the grocery store and found a vegan gluten free dark chocolate cookie (more like a brownie) and it was AWEsooommmme! So retrograde that Mercury! A hot shower, a cup of tea, and a new start tomorrow. I give thanks. Forward ever. Blessings.

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