

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pay Attention

In my lifetime, I have personally known at least two people who have committed suicide and one whose death left questions. I have had fewer than six degrees of separation from many others, and who knows how many have attempted. Is this normal? Are we ok with it being normal if it is?  At this moment in the world, devastating events are occurring that could (and should) have huge affect on our emotions and psyche. Are we paying enough attention to one another to make sure we're all ok?

I'm going to get very personal. I have been dealing with loss and stress, and I feel particularly sensitive to the tragedies occurring around the world. I have too much reverence for life and those I would leave behind to take my own life, but I've been depressed nonetheless. I try to always be positive, even fake it until I make it if I must. I have, however, shared my feelings with a couple of people whom I feel close to, but I realize that people don't always know what to say in these situations. So they usually say and do nothing.

Sometimes words aren't enough anyway, but checking in and spending time can do wonders. It shows people they are cared for and reminds them about the joys of life. We, as a society, have a tendency to get lost in our own world, to hear and not listen, or to believe that others deal with life the same way that we do. In other words, our compassion gets distracted. 

This is a time for us to draw closer to one another. We need to combine our collective consciousness to not only raise the planet's vibration to a higher frequency, but to raise one another's spirits as well. I've said it time and time again, but now more than ever we should check in with one another and really see how we're all doing. Don't be too reticent to reach out, even to those we don't really know. Increase your compassion, even to levels that are almost uncomfortable. Share your strength, your positive energy, your love. We are in this together. What happens to one happens to all. Be mindful.

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