

Friday, January 7, 2011

Relax, relate, release

Why do I blog? Hardly any one's reading it, and those who do read it give no feedback. I do it because writing makes me feel good. I've always loved writing and lately I have been so compelled to write I've been writing all kinds of things. I have two other blogs, one of which is all poetry, and I wrote a short story the other day. I'm supposed to be writing a children's book, and I will get to finishing that within the next few days, if it pleases my Father the Mighty King. Writing is my outlet. I don't know if I have any real talent for it, or where it will lead me, if anywhere. What I do know is that it helps me express myself better, not just in blogs or stories, but in conversation as well. Writing calms me down, cheers me up, makes me smile. Sometimes when I write, it's like a relief, like finally being able to take your shoes off after a long day.

We all need an outlet, a release, but it should be something healthy. Some people exercise, some dance, sing, paint play music either on an instrument on a cd. You don't really need to be good at it, you just need to enjoy it. There's a saying that goes "do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do." The problem most of us have is that we do a lot of things that we have to do, and either forget or don't leave time to do the things we want to do. Doing things that we enjoy is essential to a healthy lifestyle. My friend and brother who is a naturopathic healer is always telling me that the mind, body, and spirit, are connected, and if one of them is unhealthy, the other two are thrown off balance.

We are aware that we must feed our bodies, but we also must feed our minds and spirits too. That mental and spiritual , and even physical food can come in the form of self enjoyment. Doing the things that matter to us, that are fun, that bring relief is like taking vitamins. I've just recently started writing again, but before I did, I just held things inside, creating tension, stress, and disease. But writing and listening to music enable me to  relax and heal. What do you like to do? What is your passion? How long has it been since you've done it? If you don't know the answers to these questions, maybe it's time to explore them. We don't have to always do things that make money or check something off of a list. We can do things which only serve the purpose of bringing us enjoyment. They're serving a bigger purpose than you think. Ahhh, that's better.

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