Why is the world so cold? Everyone seems so self adsorbed trying to do them and get theirs. People have become too busy or self important to greet each other, return a call, email, tweet, or even a smile. There are some people to whom I haven't actually spoken in over a year because they just text me. I even get birthday greetings on facebook now. In a world with so many people, I can see how someone could feel lonely.
Now, I never lived in one of those small towns where everyone knew every one's name and business. I do know a few years ago when I moved to this area the first time, I would be walking down the street and people would smile and greet me. At first I thought my memory was getting really bad because I thought I must have known these people, why else would they greet me. Then I realized they just had a sense of community. I used to meet friends at cafes for coffee, tea, or lunch. We would spend hours on the phone catching up on the day's events. Now we message on facebook and pray that there are no spelling mistakes or misread tones that could upset and maybe lose a friend.
I understand that people get older and gain more responsibilities. They have families and those families become their social lives. There's nothing wrong with that. But I do feel there was a certain warmth in my past experiences that has disappeared. I just read an article that listed America's rudest cities(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40758837/ns/travel-news/?gt1=43001). It didn't surprise me that the city I grew up in and recently moved from was number 1. Apparently, it's not even a nice place to visit, let alone live. Why is that, I wonder. We get our examples from celebrities; no time for autographs, or pictures, or even to say hello. You can follow me on twitter and read what I tweet to other celebrities, but I won't tweet you back, I am much too important for that.
Our youth seem to be getting their examples from them too. I greeted one of the students in my program today and she ignored me. Her aunt was with her and told her mom what she had done, and she made the girl come back and apologize to me. I asked her if she had had a bad day, she said no. Last week she was my helper, this week she's my hater. At least her mother corrected her.
I have so many friends trying to "get their hustle on" whether it be their own businesses, school, or work. So much doing and not enough being. So we walk around in our little invisible boxes of ice, freezing the rest of the world out. .If I smile, it might invite you to speak to me, and I don't want that. No time for pleasantries, gotta go, gotta do. Yes, colder than before.
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