I've been meditating a lot the past few months on how to remove the ego from my focus. It's a tricky thing, the ego, because when one is cognizant of her thoughts and actions, one can see the ego is involved in a lot of what we do and think. The ego is defined as "the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment." The id is defined as "the part of the pysche, residing in the unconscious, that is the source of instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in accordance with the pleasure principle and are modified by the ego and the superego before they are given overt expression."*
In other words, the ego is self image (conscious) and the id is instinct (unconscious). Almost every move people make is to satisfy the ego which is never satisfied and only considers self. Most people don't know how to attain success or even pursue passions without the ego at the helm motivating and driving them. But the ego is greedy and mean. Once it gets what it wants, it only wants more. If it doesn't get what it wants, it leaves you feeling hurt and worthless as a tactic to go get more.
Even love is tricky. Although it is natural to love and want to be loved, we often experience pain, rejection, and other lower energy emotions because of the ego's insistence on being loved. I've learned (not entirely by choice) that we should be content with loving others regardless of whether the love is returned the same way because that is what we are here for. But that ego has us doing all sorts of things for love. It makes us partial, reticent, judgemental, and inauthentic. The ego is what makes love difficult.
Many people feel the ego helps them strive for greatness. But if the ego is always concerned with image, how can one truly be themselves? If they are not themselves, then it is really them achieving greatness? I've found myself on the bad side of my ego because I wouldn't give in to it. I choose to try to be my authentic self, to listen to the id, but when I meet resistance, the ego comes rushing in with it's negative energy to throw me a pity party.
I often wonder how some people can't feel the connection, our oneness. Although we are connected, one body, we have different parts to play. We've all been so conditioned to be like everyone else and "fit in" that we ignore who we are and our purpose in this connection. It is a daily challenge to remove my ego from my consciousness. But if I am to let positive energy rule my life, I must...we all must. Oneness and love.
In other words, the ego is self image (conscious) and the id is instinct (unconscious). Almost every move people make is to satisfy the ego which is never satisfied and only considers self. Most people don't know how to attain success or even pursue passions without the ego at the helm motivating and driving them. But the ego is greedy and mean. Once it gets what it wants, it only wants more. If it doesn't get what it wants, it leaves you feeling hurt and worthless as a tactic to go get more.
Even love is tricky. Although it is natural to love and want to be loved, we often experience pain, rejection, and other lower energy emotions because of the ego's insistence on being loved. I've learned (not entirely by choice) that we should be content with loving others regardless of whether the love is returned the same way because that is what we are here for. But that ego has us doing all sorts of things for love. It makes us partial, reticent, judgemental, and inauthentic. The ego is what makes love difficult.
Many people feel the ego helps them strive for greatness. But if the ego is always concerned with image, how can one truly be themselves? If they are not themselves, then it is really them achieving greatness? I've found myself on the bad side of my ego because I wouldn't give in to it. I choose to try to be my authentic self, to listen to the id, but when I meet resistance, the ego comes rushing in with it's negative energy to throw me a pity party.
I often wonder how some people can't feel the connection, our oneness. Although we are connected, one body, we have different parts to play. We've all been so conditioned to be like everyone else and "fit in" that we ignore who we are and our purpose in this connection. It is a daily challenge to remove my ego from my consciousness. But if I am to let positive energy rule my life, I must...we all must. Oneness and love.