

Saturday, May 21, 2011

16 oz. of Olive Oil

One of my mottoes is L.I.G., Let It Go. This is my focus for the next seven days and beyond. I started a cleanse yesterday to rid my body of toxins. I eat pretty healthily, but not always and not always organic, plus air pollution, radiation, all of the hazards of living in a modern society can get into our bodies and cause dis-ease.  I am aware, of course, of the mind, body, spirit connection and must therefore cleanse mentally and spiritually in order to make the body cleansing most effective. This means clearing the mind and spirit of all of the toxins created by the hazards of living in a modern and primitive society.

My cleanse began with 16 ounces of cold pressed olive oil ingested by mouth within a half hour. Is that as difficult as it sounds? Worse. I didn't know if I could get it down, and it certainly didn't want to stay down, but sucking on lemons helped. This quickly became a full body experience as I went through every side effect; fatigue, dizziness, stomach cramps, bloating. I felt tingling all over my body, like a chill, but I wasn't cold. I relaxed into the feeling knowing this was a sign that my body was ridding itself of harmful toxins. I allowed myself to imagine that the dizziness was my mind ridding itself of all of the harmful thoughts I have held onto. Negative body image, regrets, guilt, worry, were all being expelled from my mind. I let this oil anoint my spirit with forgiveness, love, and peace.

Cleansing is a necessary process. Our bodies do it all the time. We have to put forth serious effort, however, to cleanse the mind and spirit. Maybe we're not aware of the damage we do to ourselves daily by staying in relationships that aren't good for us, working at jobs that don't make us happy, holding on to grudges, anger, hurt, and guilt. But damage is being done in ways that can effect us physically as well. People get ulcers, migraines, psychological disorders, and all sorts of dis-ease from mental and emotional toxins. Prayer, meditation, affirmations or anything positive can cleanse the mind and spirit. Positive energy pushes out negativity. I try to be authentic in everything that I do. That means that I don't pretend to be someone I am not, I don't compromise my principles, and I don't apologize for it. When I say that I don't care what people think about me, it's because I know I am being the best me I can be right now and worrying about what others think only brings negative thinking about myself. Sometimes it's the people in our lives that we have to purge. Toxic people can poison the mind, spirit, and eventually the body. It's not always easy to let go of the people in our lives, but it can be done, I've done it.

Cleansing, whether the body, mind, or spirit, is an ongoing lifelong process. For the next six days, I will eat only raw fruits and vegetables. I won't claim to be able to sustain this forever, but it's not too difficult to do for a time if it means better health. That's not to say that I won't slip after the cleanse is done. French fries and anxiety will no doubt ease their way back in, but I know how to get them out. I recommend everyone does some sort of cleanse every now and again. It takes work,and it's not easy. But drinking that oil was a lot easier to take than ingesting the negative energy, poisonous words, feelings, and thoughts that have come my way. I'm already feeling lighter and more positive and optimistic. And it all started with 16 ounces of olive oil.


  1. You go girl! I'm rooting for you!

  2. Thanks girl, the hard part is over.

  3. You got M.A.D.= made a decision.
    To cleanse is about God directed decision making. I am proud of you.
    jah bless

  4. Give thanks to you my brother an Universal Wellness. Yes, I got M.A.D.
