

Friday, May 27, 2011

Learn, to Love Yourself

I just finished my 7 day cleanse and I feel lighter (11.5 pounds lighter), healthier, and more lucid. During my cleanse, I was doing an emotional, mental, and spiritual purge as well. I will do my best to continue a healthier lifestyle nutritionally, mentally, and spiritually. Again, I recommend that everyone do some sort of cleanse, even if  (especially if) it is only mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This past week I saw friends and acquaintances battling judgements from others, a video clip of an upcoming documentary on colorism, and an 8th grader drawing straight hair on a picture of a Masai Warrior and stating "at least it's not crunchy hair" when I asked why she felt a need to change the picture. There is a serious need in the community of African descended people to do a mental, emotional and spiritual cleanse. We as a people need to rid our minds of any thought, feeling, or belief that promotes self hate.

It is difficult for me to comprehend why anyone would not want to know his/her own heritage and history or would rely on someone with a different heritage, someone who has shown you nothing but disdain and loathing, to tell you who you are. The information is not hidden, certainly not in this day and age. What has this got to do with cleansing? Everything. I did a cleanse because I love myself and so I want to treat myself with love and caring. When you know who you are, where you came from, what you are capable of, you find love and pride within and no amount of propaganda can dissuade you from the truth of who you are. Yet, my people seem to be complacent, satisfied with the idea of their history beginning 400 years ago. Then, just as a crack smoking mother creates a crack baby by breastfeeding, they past this same servile thinking to their children, creating "lack babies", babies who lack self love. It's no different, and just as tragic.

My people perm or press their hair, or wear weaves because short tight curly hair is unseemly. Well that same "nappy" "crunchy" hair protected your ancestors' (and your) scalps from the sun and kept them cool. They bleach their skin because dark skin is "dirty and ugly". That dark skin, again, protected our predecessors' skin (as it still does ours today) from the harsh effects of the sun. You were sold a lie that dark skin is ugly, meanwhile the creators of that lie spend hours in the sun or tanning beds, not because they want the cancer that their lighter skin will get, but to get that "ugly" dark skin. We spend a lot of time hating ourselves and each other, which is really the same thing. If we would just look up to see the hand grabbing us and moving us from square to square in this game of domination, maybe we could run away before they reach us.

I advise African descendants to start this cleanse with some research. Instead of believing the concept of Africa as a "third world" desert of desperation that the text books and media portray it as, seek and find out why so many countries have tried to conquer or have colonized this "first world" (let's not forget it was the birthplace of civilization) bountiful continent. The best of diamonds, gold, coffee, wood, and many other resources (not to forget the people) you delight yourselves with come from Africa. But don't take my word for it, do your research.  (Remember, Egypt is in Africa).

Once you begin to realize the strength, acuity, aptitude and beauty of your forefathers and mothers (who are not George Washington and Thomas Jefferson by the way), and that these qualities have been bequeathed to you genetically, perhaps you will stop striving to be someone else. This, in turn, will lead to you loving who you are enough to refuse to remain in a subservient position. Knowledge and love of self frees you from the mental, emotional, and spiritual chains of judgement, deceit, and hatred. Imagine a group united by the same lineage, pride of essence, and love of self. They would have the strength of innumerable armies. Clean the lies, deception, and diabolical programming from your minds, hearts and spirits. Don't believe what someone else tells you, not even me.  "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you. She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown.” (Proverbs 4:7-9). This is not the end of this discussion, just the beginning.

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