

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

Tough love can often be tougher on the lover than the beloved. I think is it our duty as humans who are connected, affected, and effected by what we say, think, and do to share lessons learned. This is part of my journey to the throne as I learn and grow. Lately, I have been compelled to share what I have learned about attaining good health with those I care about. Sometimes this means being a watchdog. The result, however, has been that I have caused others to feel badly about themselves or their poor choices. That is not my intention, and I apologize. I can't say that I will cease, because I care about you, but I will expand on what I have learned.

I have spoken about the mind, body, spirit connection before, and I meditate on it often. Of the three, the body is the weakest. That is why it has a finite amount of time on earth. The mind is stronger than the body as it controls the body, thus the phrase "mind over matter." And lastly, but by no means least, the spirit is the strongest and lives on long after the body is gone. The connection is deep, as each of these are affected and effected by one another. For this reason, each part must receive equal attention.

The Body
The body is temporal, it has an expiration date. Even when mind, body, and spirit are all perfectly and healthily cared for, the body cannot live forever. It is most easily effected by environment, force, circumstance and time.  Because it is the weakest, we tend to give it the most attention. We nourish it, clean it, exercise it, and groom it. It also becomes our biggest focus as it is the one link in the chain that can be readily seen by others. With all of the attention we give the body, it is often not the best kind of attention and the mind and spirit tend to suffer neglect. The body is a machine, the most efficient and well made machine ever created. Like lesser machines, it needs the proper, optimal, fuel, lubrication,tune ups and down time. Just like you wouldn't put regular unleaded gas into a Mercedes and then race it, eating processed or other unhealthy foods and doing vigorous exercise is not the best either. We are often more concerned with how the body looks than with how it is working.  But what good is a beautiful fully loaded Mercedes sitting in your driveway, inoperable? The weakest link in the mind, body, spirit chain, the body is actually controlled by the mind. People often blame their bodies for food, alcohol or drug cravings or other "fleshly desires," but it is actually the mind sending messages to the body.

The Mind
The mind/brain controls the body. It tells the heart to beat, the lungs to breathe, the stomach to be hungry. The mind is quite powerful. It often has a life of its own, convincing us that we want or need things that we do not, blocking out trauma to protect us, acquiring or producing facts, skills, ideas, and feelings.  The mind also needs proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. Food is not the only fuel the mind needs for optimal performance. We must feed it knowledge if we want it to continue to expand. Though the body is temporal, the mind has the ability to create things that live on after the body is gone. The mind can create ideas which if imparted to others will remain when the body leaves. When people speak of Bob Marley's legacy, they are not only speaking of his children, but of his music, words, and deeds he created while his body was still here. This is why we must be "mindful" of our thoughts as they become actions (the body) and our actions become habit, and our habits become our character (the spirit)

The Spirit
The spirit is the strongest of the connection because it is eternal. It is the most difficult for me to define for you because everyone has his/her own definition of the spirit, which is the spirit itself at work. The spirit has been described as energy, the soul, character, connection to a higher power, one's mood, one's personality. How ever one defines it, it is what lives on long after the body and mind are gone. When we lose loved ones, we can often still feel them with us as they have left indelible marks on our own spirits. When we allow our thoughts to take a negative turn, our spirit often reflects that negativity. The spirit is weightless and airy. Laughter is often said to be good for the spirit as are all other light and uplifting activities and thoughts. Heavy thoughts, food, and activity can weigh the spirit down. It is the spirit that lives on in others, that moves us, that moves others. Love lives in the spirit, of course, so can hate. For this reason, the spirit must be treated like a valuable heirloom, because it is. Our spirit begins before we are zygotes because our ancestors pass a foundation down to us and we then build on it. Thoughts and actions effect the spirit positively or negatively, and that energy can either uplift or weigh down the spirit. We must tend to the spirit.

I'm no expert in any of these topics, these are just my thoughts and experiences. I don't know if I adequately relayed my thoughts. It is my intention to uplift and give love with these words. I am by no means perfect, and so I do not always succeed in caring for my mind, body, and spirit. I do, however, continue to strive to do better and live better in the short time my body has on this earth. I don't judge, as I do not want to be judged, but I will elbow you when I know you can do better at taking care of yourselves. We all have something valuable to give, and the longer we are around, the more we can give, and the stronger our connection to each other becomes.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Learn, to Love Yourself

I just finished my 7 day cleanse and I feel lighter (11.5 pounds lighter), healthier, and more lucid. During my cleanse, I was doing an emotional, mental, and spiritual purge as well. I will do my best to continue a healthier lifestyle nutritionally, mentally, and spiritually. Again, I recommend that everyone do some sort of cleanse, even if  (especially if) it is only mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This past week I saw friends and acquaintances battling judgements from others, a video clip of an upcoming documentary on colorism, and an 8th grader drawing straight hair on a picture of a Masai Warrior and stating "at least it's not crunchy hair" when I asked why she felt a need to change the picture. There is a serious need in the community of African descended people to do a mental, emotional and spiritual cleanse. We as a people need to rid our minds of any thought, feeling, or belief that promotes self hate.

It is difficult for me to comprehend why anyone would not want to know his/her own heritage and history or would rely on someone with a different heritage, someone who has shown you nothing but disdain and loathing, to tell you who you are. The information is not hidden, certainly not in this day and age. What has this got to do with cleansing? Everything. I did a cleanse because I love myself and so I want to treat myself with love and caring. When you know who you are, where you came from, what you are capable of, you find love and pride within and no amount of propaganda can dissuade you from the truth of who you are. Yet, my people seem to be complacent, satisfied with the idea of their history beginning 400 years ago. Then, just as a crack smoking mother creates a crack baby by breastfeeding, they past this same servile thinking to their children, creating "lack babies", babies who lack self love. It's no different, and just as tragic.

My people perm or press their hair, or wear weaves because short tight curly hair is unseemly. Well that same "nappy" "crunchy" hair protected your ancestors' (and your) scalps from the sun and kept them cool. They bleach their skin because dark skin is "dirty and ugly". That dark skin, again, protected our predecessors' skin (as it still does ours today) from the harsh effects of the sun. You were sold a lie that dark skin is ugly, meanwhile the creators of that lie spend hours in the sun or tanning beds, not because they want the cancer that their lighter skin will get, but to get that "ugly" dark skin. We spend a lot of time hating ourselves and each other, which is really the same thing. If we would just look up to see the hand grabbing us and moving us from square to square in this game of domination, maybe we could run away before they reach us.

I advise African descendants to start this cleanse with some research. Instead of believing the concept of Africa as a "third world" desert of desperation that the text books and media portray it as, seek and find out why so many countries have tried to conquer or have colonized this "first world" (let's not forget it was the birthplace of civilization) bountiful continent. The best of diamonds, gold, coffee, wood, and many other resources (not to forget the people) you delight yourselves with come from Africa. But don't take my word for it, do your research.  (Remember, Egypt is in Africa).

Once you begin to realize the strength, acuity, aptitude and beauty of your forefathers and mothers (who are not George Washington and Thomas Jefferson by the way), and that these qualities have been bequeathed to you genetically, perhaps you will stop striving to be someone else. This, in turn, will lead to you loving who you are enough to refuse to remain in a subservient position. Knowledge and love of self frees you from the mental, emotional, and spiritual chains of judgement, deceit, and hatred. Imagine a group united by the same lineage, pride of essence, and love of self. They would have the strength of innumerable armies. Clean the lies, deception, and diabolical programming from your minds, hearts and spirits. Don't believe what someone else tells you, not even me.  "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you. She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown.” (Proverbs 4:7-9). This is not the end of this discussion, just the beginning.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

16 oz. of Olive Oil

One of my mottoes is L.I.G., Let It Go. This is my focus for the next seven days and beyond. I started a cleanse yesterday to rid my body of toxins. I eat pretty healthily, but not always and not always organic, plus air pollution, radiation, all of the hazards of living in a modern society can get into our bodies and cause dis-ease.  I am aware, of course, of the mind, body, spirit connection and must therefore cleanse mentally and spiritually in order to make the body cleansing most effective. This means clearing the mind and spirit of all of the toxins created by the hazards of living in a modern and primitive society.

My cleanse began with 16 ounces of cold pressed olive oil ingested by mouth within a half hour. Is that as difficult as it sounds? Worse. I didn't know if I could get it down, and it certainly didn't want to stay down, but sucking on lemons helped. This quickly became a full body experience as I went through every side effect; fatigue, dizziness, stomach cramps, bloating. I felt tingling all over my body, like a chill, but I wasn't cold. I relaxed into the feeling knowing this was a sign that my body was ridding itself of harmful toxins. I allowed myself to imagine that the dizziness was my mind ridding itself of all of the harmful thoughts I have held onto. Negative body image, regrets, guilt, worry, were all being expelled from my mind. I let this oil anoint my spirit with forgiveness, love, and peace.

Cleansing is a necessary process. Our bodies do it all the time. We have to put forth serious effort, however, to cleanse the mind and spirit. Maybe we're not aware of the damage we do to ourselves daily by staying in relationships that aren't good for us, working at jobs that don't make us happy, holding on to grudges, anger, hurt, and guilt. But damage is being done in ways that can effect us physically as well. People get ulcers, migraines, psychological disorders, and all sorts of dis-ease from mental and emotional toxins. Prayer, meditation, affirmations or anything positive can cleanse the mind and spirit. Positive energy pushes out negativity. I try to be authentic in everything that I do. That means that I don't pretend to be someone I am not, I don't compromise my principles, and I don't apologize for it. When I say that I don't care what people think about me, it's because I know I am being the best me I can be right now and worrying about what others think only brings negative thinking about myself. Sometimes it's the people in our lives that we have to purge. Toxic people can poison the mind, spirit, and eventually the body. It's not always easy to let go of the people in our lives, but it can be done, I've done it.

Cleansing, whether the body, mind, or spirit, is an ongoing lifelong process. For the next six days, I will eat only raw fruits and vegetables. I won't claim to be able to sustain this forever, but it's not too difficult to do for a time if it means better health. That's not to say that I won't slip after the cleanse is done. French fries and anxiety will no doubt ease their way back in, but I know how to get them out. I recommend everyone does some sort of cleanse every now and again. It takes work,and it's not easy. But drinking that oil was a lot easier to take than ingesting the negative energy, poisonous words, feelings, and thoughts that have come my way. I'm already feeling lighter and more positive and optimistic. And it all started with 16 ounces of olive oil.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Stop the Madness!

I don't know about any of you, but I have just about had it with all of the hate in this world. It's so second nature to people these days that they don't even recognize that that's what they are doing. My day started with conversations over who's superior again. Later in the day I had to read about some psychologist who thinks black women are the least attractive women in the world. Well thanks, but you can go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here. When is this supremacy madness going to stop?
To those of you out there who are screaming for equal rights and justice, do you know what it means to be equal and just? Some of you say you want equality, but what you really want is to switch positions with those in so-called power. All of this talk about we're good and they're wicked is no different than when your oppressors say you're lesser and we're more. Perhaps you've decided that the way to gain power is to be like those in power. Well, when you gain the world, then what? I hear so-called conscious people talk of a superior heritage and a superior Creator, and in the same breath say, "but He's my God, not yours." Now, I really take offense to this because you are limiting the power of my Father by suggesting that He is not the creator and ruler of ALL.You want H.I.M. all to yourself, well guess what, you belong to H.I.M., not the other way around.

There is so much hate in the world that people are actually taking offense to kind gestures. If I act or speak from the heart with nothing but loving intentions, I get chastised for not doing so in the manner another deems acceptable. Now my brothers and sisters have become my oppressors. Why is it that some people believe that in order to love yourself, you must hate others?  Then you are no better than your oppressors. We can both be great. Do you really think that peace comes from switching positions? You ask, "why do I have to be the one to forgive?" Well, if you are superior, then it has to be you because it takes a person/people of strength to forgive so that peace can prevail. This has to stop somewhere.

Every war that has ever occurred was about one country, race, religion, political party thinking they are superior to the other. We are all the same with different strengths and weakness. We come from the same Father. Those of you who preach equal rights and justice, don't really want it because if you had it, you would no longer have fodder for your soap box upon which you enjoy pontificating. Stop the superiority complexes, stop the hate, stop the madness!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Mutability: Capable of or subject to change; prone to change or mutation. Yesterday I wrote about my vexation over competition between women, yet I am happy to have them in my life. Women embrace their mutable nature. The clearest examples are the changing of hairstyles, fashions, and minds. Often an inner change occurs to elicit these outer changes. Men too have this ability, I know and have seen some who take the voyage inside of themselves and return as altered versions. Men, however, tend to like the stability of the status quo, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. They are sometimes less desirous of delving into an emotional or spiritual depth that takes them away from logic and rationality. I have found, however, that both men and women in today's society are impeded from enacting certain change and they don't even realize it.

The majority of society has been inculcated (To impress (something) upon the mind of another by frequent instruction or repetition) with certain beliefs and thought processes ,since birth, that inhibit their mutable natures. We have been fed what to need, what to desire, what to think, and some of us have been oblivious to the fact that your thoughts are not your own. Doctors, religious personnel, government agencies, the MEDIA, have all told us what is best for us, and we believe them. I was watching a show called "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" (ABC) in which a renowned chef goes to Los Angeles to improve the nutrition of fast food restaurants and the L.A. Unified School District. The school district wouldn't let him in the schools, so he went to a conference for school district food services employees. There was a workshop on keeping flavored milk in schools. The presenter said that children drank less milk when the flavored milk was taken out. Jamie Oliver argued that in schools in the UK and other parts of Europe only drink regular milk, why couldn't it happen in the U.S. He was, of course, shut down by the sugar pushing presenter, and the show has been "shelved" during May sweeps. That type of thinking was apparently not in line with "programming."

I work with children of African descent who have told me that dark skin is "disgusting" and that they are not descended from Africa, a continent so rich with ancient knowledge, spirituality, and resources it has been the target of conquerors for centuries. Even though diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes can be eliminated with healthy eating and exercise, people with these diseases opt, instead, to take medications which cause a whole host of other conditions. Obesity, which causes these diseases, is at an all time high, especially among youth, yet so are super sized meals and genetically modified foods. There were 33,808 drunk driving deaths in 2009* up from 11, 773 in 2008**,  yet every weekend social pages are rife with braggadocious pictures and comments about inebriated escapades. (FYI...Every site I searched listed a statistic for marijuana related deaths as far back as 1996 as 0). I'm not preaching, just illustrating how even though the truth is before your eyes, many of you seem unable to move towards it. But you ARE able.

As I said earlier, this inculcation began at birth. I liken this to weight loss; it took years to put on the weight, so don't expect to lose it over night. I have decided to abandon any thoughts of giving up on helping humanity regain its innate ability to think and live in love and good health and to remember that mutability is a genetic condition given to us all. I will NOT give up on my fellow humans. As Bob Marley said, "You a grow tired to see my face, ya can't get me out of the race." I will leave you with a poem by Percy Shelly about your nature:

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon;
How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver,
Streaking the darkness radiantly! -yet soon
Night closes round, and they are lost for ever:

Or like forgotten lyres, whose dissonant strings
Give various response to each varying blast,
To whose frail frame no second motion brings
One mood or modulation like the last.

We rest. -A dream has power to poison sleep;
We rise. -One wandering thought pollutes the day;
We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep;
Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away:

It is the same! -For, be it joy or sorrow,
The path of its departure still is free:
Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow;
Nought may endure but Mutability.

** http://www.dui-usa.drinkdriving.org/dui_drunkdriving_statistics.php

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Competition

This post has been a long time coming. I've avoided writing about this topic, I think, because I really didn't want to believe it was such a prevalent reality in my life. But there's no denying that women are in constant competition with each other and my life is filled with it. Everywhere I look there are women competing for attention from men, in business, friendships, each other. I know this competitive behavior is driven by media brainwashing. Competition can be healthy, but I don't think it belongs in interpersonal relationships.

I have never had a competitive spirit. I like watching sports competitions, but I have never had the drive that professional athletes have, not even when I played sports. This is, perhaps, what made me a mediocre basketball player in high school. Nevertheless, I wasn't fixated on winning so much as improving my personal game. In reality, I wanted to be like my brother and have him be as proud of the way I played as I was of the way he played. I've always competed with myself. I set goals to beat my own GPA or test scores, not my classmates'. I tried to please and impress others, I admit, but not beat them. Even when I enter writing competitions it's to see how I've improved. If I don't win or place, I'm not there yet, work harder or differently. 

I have had female friends go after men they knew I was interested in, when they weren't interested at all until they knew I was. Women have tried to sabotage projects I worked on in school by giving me wrong information. (Fortunately, I have always been one to research a matter myself), Co-workers have stabbed me in the back even when we weren't competing for a promotion, bonus, or raise. I have had male friends tell me their wives were threatened by me even when I advocated for them to the point of almost losing my friend. Women play mind games with each other too. They will be quick to point out your faults, which are sometimes fabricated, instead of your strengths. Here is a secret for you men, women dress to impress each other, not you. Even when they wear revealing clothing, it is to attract you, yes, but not so much because they want you so badly, rather it is to beat out other women.

I used to be a real proponent of sisterhood and supporting women until I found it wasn't usually reciprocated. For a long time I refused to have female friends other than ones I grew up with (and even a couple of those I kept an eye on) because I could no longer trust women. It was only a couple of years ago that I began making female friends again. But I've found that the game hasn't really changed much. Even some of my friends who I think are good women and probably genuinely like me tend to consciously or unconsciously compete with me. These are smart women with loving husbands, beautiful children, and great lives, some of them even make more money than I do. I used to think to myself, "why am I a threat to you? You have a better life than I do." I am now realizing that I must be pretty awesome to warrant such competitive efforts. Yet, I still see a competitiveness in small ways. Some withhold their support from you, but not others because in their minds you are competing for the same type of attention. Others find subtle ways to belittle you so as to rupture your self esteem. Still others have an uncontrollable need to prove you wrong, even on something as small as who starred in a movie.

I am happy when others do well, especially family and friends, especially in something I hope to do. It increases my hope that I too will one day succeed in attaining my dreams. I have always believed that if you begrudge someone else's  happiness, you stifle your own. But I've seen friends, co-workers, sisters, even mothers and daughters competing with each other. It really hinders my ability to trust women. But the media tells us what beauty is, what success is, that we need to be better, stronger, richer, prettier, smarter, sweeter, thinner, taller and whatever else, than other women. Advertising compares us with each other and tells men who to be attracted to. I fear it will never stop. For the record, I am trying to be better than I was yesterday. I am competing with who I was last week, month, year, decade. I am rooting for you, supporting you, loving you. I am NOT a threat to your marriage, income, popularity, self esteem, friendships, or anything else. I'm not even in the game, so you can stop competing with me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Sad Commentary on Humanity

It has taken me a few days to sit and write this as I really wanted to reflect on what has transpired over the past few days and the emotions connected to the acts. It is not my intention to cast aspersions or belittle any one's suffering. In fact, I hope to honor lost lives and their memories and elevate souls. I am still not sure I am ready to write this, or if you are ready to read it, but there's no time like the present.

A few days ago, an announcement was made that the most wanted man, by this country, was killed. I understand the emotion behind the reaction. Many people lost loved ones in the September 11, 2001 tragedies for which this man was accused of and allegedly admitted to perpetrating, not to mention the enormous destruction and bloodshed was the largest this country had seen on it's own soil since the Civil War. Yes, I am aware of the emotional damage and sense of loss of security felt around the nation. A trauma such as that leads to a natural desire for vengeance and reciprocity, which this country has been engaged in for the last ten years. I get it. What I do not get is the reaction to the news that this man was killed. Crowds took to the streets dancing, chanting USA, stomping on his picture, and celebrating as if their team had won the championship. They even played "We are the Champions!" This was the reaction to a human life being taken. I felt sick and disappointed in my fellow humans. What went on was the basest of human behavior.

Christianity is the largest faith in this country, yet it's principles seemed to have been forgotten recently. The bible says "Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them." (Proverbs 24:17-18) When Jesus was crucified, crowds jeered and cheered and cast lots for his belongings.  He may have been a savior to the Christians, but as far as the people at that time were concerned, he was a blasphemous enemy. The two scenes, back then and the other day, seem eerily similar.

I would think this is a time for sober reflection. "Justice has been done," the president and everyone was saying. Has it? Did killing this man bring your loved ones back? Hundreds of people were killed on that day. To say justice has been done makes that one man's life as valuable as the hundreds lost. People were claiming it was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Well that kind of thinking only means the blind and toothless are leading the blind and toothless. And where does it stop? They got us, we got them, they get us again. International gang banging is all it is. Don't knock the boys in the hood fighting over their turf, they got their example from the best. Meanwhile, Americans have now tasted blood and they're thirsty for more. Word of his death was not enough. You want to see gruesome photos and video. Is this what we want to teach future generations?

I admit that I, fortunately, did not personally lose anyone in the 9/11 tragedies, but I have tried to imagine what it would be like to lose someone I love via the hands of another. Yes, I would want vengeance, and may even seek it on my own. But if I succeeded, the knowledge that I took a life would be on my conscience and stain my soul for eternity. It certainly wouldn't be enough justice for me. Every holiday or special occasion would still be marked with the sadness of their absence. I would still wonder about the life they could have led were they still here. So I keep my faith that a higher power will enact the right justice on wicked individuals. It may not be enough for you, but it keeps my hands and soul clean.
I entreat you to put your mind on your loved ones. Pray or send positive energy to the universe that no more lives are taken, anywhere. This vengeful mindset only leads to more violence and bloodshed, and innocent people are bound to be affected. "Do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.  Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land." (Psalm 37:7-9) Over 47,000 of your loved ones have been killed or injured in this quest for vengeance and "justice." Where is the justice in that?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Black is the new Black

Whether you are pro Obama or not, whether you think he's doing a  good job or not, whether you fully recognize the significance of an African American being voted into the office of president of this country, there is one thing I am convinced of, he had to be elected. Now I don't write much about politics (or politricks as I call it) and this really isn't about politics either. I've noticed since the day the final votes were tallied in the Obama/McCain election that there has been a rise in racial-racist incidents. It's not a slight increase either, and President Obama is not the only target.

I was reading some articles about the rise in racial incidents since Obama was elected and it's astounding that these stories were not all over the news. There were incidents from New York to the south to California. The incidents ranged from college students writing "shoot that (n-word) Obama" on college campus walls to mock hangings, to cross burnings ( the most recent was in San Luis Obisbo, Ca.) to second and third graders chanting "assassinate Obama." Now before you shake your head, say that's a shame, and move on to "Dancing with the Stars," do you see what this indicates? Those of you who sit in your big homes or ride in your $60k cars sighing 'we've arrived, it's good to be an American' should brace yourselves for this. Racism is not dead, it is very much alive. One article described racism like cancer, it may go into remission, but it is never gone. Well break out the chemo, the cancer is back, and it's metastasized (spread).

This is why President Obama or some other black man had to be elected, to uncover the cancer that is still raging through the body of this country and wake up those of you lounging with your stunner shades on while your guard takes a nap. Barack Obama has received more death threats than any president, ever. Do you think it's because of his health care bill or foreign policy decisions? It is because he is a black man in Amerikkka and he holds the most powerful position in the country. So here we are in the 21st Century and we're not really any further ahead socially or consciously than we were when Dr. King made his "I have a Dream" speech.

I'm not going to ask what we're going to do about it, because I know that people tend to put their rose colored glasses on and don't act until those glasses are shattered on their face by a fist, or else they're afraid of a scene like Egypt or Libya. But let me put you on alert. There are some people out there who hate you because you are not like them. One article said that people were chanting "deport Obama." Well, first of all, they should have said "export Obama" since most Africans in Amerikkka were "imported" here like cargo. I'm sure he's not the only one they would like to "export." Are you ready to go back home? By the way, those that hate one race, usually hate all races that are not their own, so my Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, and even Jewish brothers and sisters, you better look out too.  I supplied a link* for one of the articles below. It was written in 2008. The cross burning in San Luis Obisbo occurred in March 2011.
It's time to eradicate this cancer for good before it eats away at all that is good about humanity.
