

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bob Marley's Birthday 2012: Groundation Tribute

February 6, 2012, Bob Marley's 67th birthday. What better way to celebrate (and you have to celebrate)than to hear Groundation pay tribute to the Legend. I made the drive down to Santa Cruz, Ca. happily singing Bob Marley tunes in anticipation of another phenomenal show...and Groundation would not let me down. As the crowd trickled in, I noticed the usual Groundation/Bob Marley audience of young and not so young mingle and compare concert stories. Some travelled great distances just for the show. One couple chose to celebrate their anniversary by driving from Reno, NV. to hear Groundation sing Bob Marley's spirit lifting tunes.

Something I find to be unique about this band is that they are humble, friendly, and just plain good hearted people. I wonder if it is the positive music they play that makes them that way or if they play positive music because they are that way. I suspect it's a bit of both. Many of the band members hung out in the audience and talked with fans before they played. They behave more like hosts welcoming guests into their homes than a world famous music group. It really sets the mood.

It's been 30 years since Bob Marley left here, and his songs are still relevant, evocative, and touching younger generations around the world. That is why he is a Legend...that is what signifies great music.  Artists who sing about materialism, superiority, or negative ideas will be long forgotten because those things will not last. Groundation will be like Bob Marley in that their music will be around long after they're gone (which I pray is a good long time from now). They graced us with a song from their forthcoming new album "Building an Ark" (Due to be released March 20 in Europe and March 27 in the U.S.), called "Daniel". I'm already in love with this song. Set to a funky groove, it talks about future redemption and hope as in the book of Daniel in the bible. If that's not Bob Marley-esque, I don't know what is.

Harrison Stafford clearly channelled Bob Marley last night. Skankin and passionately wailing Bob's tunes, he set the crowd on fire....and "no water can put out this fire." Bob and Groundation's music speaks to me partially because it is empathetic. The world is in crisis, and individuals go through their own personal crisis, and their music speaks to these crisis and gives hope. I can feel that Harrison understands and feels Bob's words and it was as if he knew my trials and was speaking directly to me. The message is in the music, and the message is clear...equal rights, justice, peace and love for all. I am grateful for Groundation and Bob Marley. I thank you Lord for you made them sing. Peace, blessings, and music.

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