

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What does money cost?

What is your measure of success? What do you value? What is most important to you? Before you answer, take a moment to think if your actions support the first answer that comes to your mind. Many people will give the pc answers of family, good health, friendship, love, but the things they do on a daily basis don't support that. If you're constantly working, hustling, chasing a dollar, or thinking of ways to do those things, then your answer to the questions is MONEY. People rationalize that they work hard to provide their families with the things they need. If you are able to provide your family with a really nice house, luxury cars, the best schools, designer clothes, the best health insurance, toys, etc, but you're working 50 hour weeks, traveling constantly for work, and always too tired to do anything, trust me when I tell you, you're not providing them with everything they need.

Children need time, wives need time, parents, other family, and friends,YOU need time to relax, reflect, enjoy, make memories, to love, to live. There's a saying that (I'm paraphrasing) 'time is the deposit that we make into the bank accounts of children's memories.' That goes the same for adults. Someone said to me the other day that we all have a little bit of "Think and Grow Rich" (by Napoleon Hill) in us. I replied that I don't have any desire to be rich except in spirit, love, good health, and relationships. Money can't buy what I'm seeking. I'm chasing peace, increased spirituality, love and happiness. If I had millions, it would mean nothing without people I care about to share it with.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to live the best life possible. The world has made it so that financial security is a basic human necessity. But is it such a necessity that you risk ruining your most important relationships? When one is very low income, as I have been, and some may consider me still, one learns to categorize things into "wants" and "needs". I've learned to use this system in many areas of my life and find that it would still be useful if I had millions. For instance, do you need a $5million dollar 20 room estate, or do you want it. Do you need a car to get around, ok yes, does it need to be a Maybach Mercedes or do you want it to be? Do your children want to spend time with you, or do they need to spend time with you? Hmmm. Does your spouse want you home to help out more or connect with you, or does he/she need you there? Things to consider when on that chase.

"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." (Timothy 6:9-10). This is something I have witnessed with my own eyes. I have become estranged from friends who are so consumed with becoming rich, that they have no room in their lives for anyone or anything who is not on the same path. These books and 'gurus' who claim to have the secret to success all say to surround yourself only with people of like minds and desires. How does one learn and grow and see new perspectives if they only deal with people who think like them?

Life is too short to spend it chasing something as meaningless as a dollar. We can't take anything with us, but it's not about what we take with us, but what we leave behind.  So while you're hustling trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents, take a moment to consider the wealth that you are squandering.

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